EPCC manages a Trusted Research Environment through which organisations can provide Safe Haven Services. These services enable analysis of de-identified sensitive data. Trusted Research Environments can be tailored to meet the needs of analysts, data scientists, data controllers and information governance. Scottish National Safe Haven We provide the infrastructure and operational systems that underpin the Scottish National Safe Haven. The National Safe Haven is owned by Public Health Scotland and governed by the eDRIS team who control access and manage all research enquiries. Specialised Safe Haven Services EPCC hosts Safe Haven Services through its Trusted Research Environment to enable researchers from specialised fields to access public sensitive data to perform studies with a public benefit. Private Safe Haven Services EPCC manages a Trusted Research Environment through which it provides organisations with Private Safe Haven Services. We facilitate these Safe Haven Services within our secure perimeter where each safe haven is isolated from all other safe havens. Each safe haven is governed independently by the respective organisation. Security and information governance You can find details of our approach to data security, trusted research environments and information governance on our "security and governance" pages, on the main menu. Security and governance in EIDF This article was published on 2023-11-24