Bespoke services

We work with partners from across the DDI programme to co-create and tailor services to meet their needs. Using a building block approach from the "EIDF toolkit", our engineers can work with you to solve your particular problems, whether it be data hosting, AI modelling, high-performance analytics - or something entirely new!

Working with us

If you're interested in working with the EIDF data science and engineering team to develop a tailored service, please get in touch!

Case studies

Here are short synopses of some of the collaborators we have worked with.

The Scottish Public Sector Analytical Collaborative (SPACe) brings together the Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland, National Records of Scotland and Registers of Scotland in a programme to advance data analytics for the public sector.

ISARIC4C is a UK-wide consortium of doctors and scientists committed to answering urgent questions about COVID-19 quickly, openly, and for the benefit of all.